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Code Shaper is an easy-to-use code generator that is modular and extensible. It was designed to integrate seamlessly with modern tooling and development processes.


  • Speed: Code Shaper saves you time whenever you start a new project because a robust starter repo can be created in minutes instead of days or weeks. Also, creating a new component, helper or another artifact takes seconds instead of copying and pasting from other places. All this time adds up to huge savings.

  • Code Consistency: By encapsulating best practices, the code you generate will be consistent and of high quality across projects and team members. When new patterns are introduced, you simply create or upgrade your generators to new standards. This approach also helps junior team members to become productive faster.

  • Standardized Tooling: Code generation allows you to embed standardized processes and tools into your projects. A member joining from another team is instantaneously familiar with the folder structure, development & testing tools and CI/CD pipeline.

Guiding Principles

Code Shaper was designed with the following guiding principles in mind:

  • Easy to use: Code Shaper should be easy to install and get started. Generators should be built in a conversational style so that users do not have to remember complex options. They should be able to use options if they prefer to do so.

  • Easy to share: Generators should be easily sharable by publishing to npm. The CLI should be able to detect and load installed generators automatically.

  • First-class documentation: Because no matter how wonderful a tool is, if people can't understand how to use it, it is worthless!

  • Unopinionated: Code Shaper itself should be unopinionated about the languages and frameworks people use it for. Opinions are expected to be embedded in the plugins and generators that people write.

  • Modular: Code Shaper should allow end users to build their tech stack in a modular fashion. For example, they should be able to start with their choice of repository structure and then layer on further decisions for frameworks, libraries, patterns, coding conventions, CI/CD pipelines etc.

  • Extensible: Code Shaper should be easily extensible using a plugin architecture and a simple utility library to perform common tasks. Anyone with a basic knowledge of TypeScript should be able to write plugins - PhD degree not required. A plugin generator should be provided to scaffold the basic infrastructure.

  • Monorepo Friendly: Code Shaper should be monorepo friendly. It should provide APIs that understand workspaces within monorepos and manage them.

  • Community driven: Contributors and users should encourage discussion, suggestions and contributions to form a strong community and ecosystem.

Documentation Structure

We strive to provide first-class documentation for Code Shaper. A high-level overview of how it is organized will help you know where to look for certain things:

  • Getting Started is a hands-on introduction to Code Shaper. Start here if you’re new to this tool.
  • Concepts contains a discussion of key topics at a fairly high level and provides useful background information and explanation.
  • Reference contains technical reference for Code Shaper utilities, plugins and other aspects of its machinery. This section assumes that you have a basic understanding of key concepts.
  • How-to guides are recipes. They guide you through the steps involved in addressing key problems and use-cases. They are more advanced than the getting started tutorials and assume some knowledge of how Code Shaper works.