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Remix plugin

This plugin generates Remix applications using opinionated coding conventions and patterns. See the following reference for further details:

This plugin consists of the following generators:

  1. Remix app generator: generates a base app with support for jest, react-testing-library, and storybook

  2. Page generator: for generating application pages

  3. React library generator: for generating a reusable library of React components

  4. Component generator: for generating React components in a standardized format

  5. Context generator: for generating React context using the pattern described in How to use React Context effectively by Kent C. Dodds



Before installing this plugin, make sure that you have created a monorepo for your code. See Create a New Repo for instructions.

Add the following dev dependencies at the root of your code repository:

npm install -D @code-shaper/react @code-shaper/remix

For step-by-step instructions on how to use plugins, see Getting Started.

